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Brandon Paul Baggett - Online Memorial Website

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Brandon Baggett
Born in Michigan
25 years
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Michael Ball Short timer... March 18, 2014
I was a freshman in 1999 as you were graduating. You were one of the ONLY seniors in GCHS that took the time to make mne feel important and noticed, even if it was just a daily smile or "Hello" in the halls. I never had any classes with you or never even got a chance to know you personally. But from the skits from drama or the school assemblies to the hyjinx in the halls I will always have your smile and kindness in my heart. Thanks for the good times Brandon.
Mr. Waronek Laughter is a pray March 20, 2008
I really did not know you but Mr. Lenze talked about you so much on how you made him laugh through the years. You have touched so many people. When I first started teaching, I really did not know you, but people talked about you all the time. They said that Brandon kid is funny. He could make a whole room shine with a smile and a jolt of laughter. Your smiles and jokes are all over these halls and those who loved you will never forget those moments. Learning and laughter go hand in hand Brandon - We will all miss you. God Bless you and your family!!!
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